Overview of the Printing Industry in South Africa and How to Buy Printers and Ink

An Overview of South Africa

  • South Africa has a population of 59.6 million people.
  • Capital City: Cape Town
  • Official Language: English, Afrikaans
  • Total Area: 1,221, 037 Km2
  • Currency: South Africa rand (ZAR)

Economic Statistics of South Africa

Economy Overview

  • South Africa is one of the most developed countries in Africa, with $ 283 GDP in 2020. Its largest industries include;
  1. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  2. Mining
  3. Manufacturing
  4. Food processing
  5. Clothing and textile

Economy Breakdown

  • According to Statista data, the South African GDP distribution across the economic sectors in 2019 was as follows;
  1. Services 61.2%
  2. Industry 26%
  3. Agriculture 1.88%
  • South Africa mostly imported its goods in 2020 from;
  1. China 20%
  2. Germany 9.12%
  3. USA 6.43%
  4. India 5.19%
  5. Saudi Arabia 3.89%
  • The top export destination of commodities from South Africa in are;
  1. China 11.4%
  2. USA 8.36%
  3. Germany 7.5%
  4. United Kingdom 4.97%
  5. Japan 4.45%

The Printing Industry in South Africa

  • According to the Printing Industry in South Africa 2018 report, the sector contributed about R55 billion to its GDP and offered approximately 45,000 job opportunities.
  • Besides, the printing industry is expected to grow up to $251 MN by 2031. Companies are sorting after printing materials in South Africa that are of high quality to give clients quality services.
  • The South African printing companies are in search of original equipment manufacturers (OEM) inks. The demand for metallic inks in gold, silver, and copper shades is in high demand in the South Africa printing industry. These inks are brass-based and are favorable for paper and board use.
  • Also, the printing industry in South Africa needs environmental-friendly inks for the printing work. The consumers of the printing industry goods are conscious about their environment and want to cut off printing materials that emit volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere.
  • Therefore, the need for Inkjet printers, Videojet printers, Domino printers, and Citronix printers in South Africa is on the rise. These printers mitigate environmental pollution because they have special fluid management that lowers harmful emissions to the air.
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    The Packaging Industry in South Africa        

    • The main packaging dealers in South Africa include Mondi, Nampak, Active Packaging Afripack, Bitrad Consulting, LC Packaging, and Consol. These companies play an important role in the branding of a variety of products and services.  
    • The South African packaging industry expects growth from 37,312.7 million units in 2017 to 42,957.3 million units in 2022, a CAGR of 2.9%.  
    • Besides, the South African packaging industry is mainly influenced by the growing consumer market. The demand for top-notch packaging for the cosmetics and household sector is on the rise. Lastly, most consumers in South Africa look for quality packaging as a measure for a valuable product.
    • As the demand for premium packaging in various industries goes high, the need for printing equipment, printing parts, and printing consumables such as make-ups, inks, and cleaning solutions will also spike.
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      The Manufacturing Industry in South Africa

      • The South African manufacturing industry's largest component is food and beverage, followed by petroleum and then basic iron and steel. Also, the manufacturing industry is the 4th largest sector and contributes 14% of the GDP.
      • The manufacturing industry in South Africa grew by 1.2% in 2018. Besides, the industry is important to the country's economic growth, but it is also a major source of employment for South Africans.
      • As the manufacturing industry grows, the need for printing equipment and consumables such as Videojet ink, Hitachi parts, and Inject printers is heavy.

      Sea Ports and Trading Hubs of South Africa

      1. Port of Cape Town
      2. Port of Elizabeth
      3. Port of Ngqura
      4. Port of Richards Bay
      5. Port of Durban
      • For importing Inkjet printers, Citronix printers, Videojet inks, and other spare parts, Camainks uses Port Durban, the main container port on the South African coastline, when exporting to our clients in South Africa.
        How to buy Inkjet Printers

        What Printers and Ink Do South Africa Import?

        Although South Africa has some manufacturers for printers and ink, it still needs to import from countries like Germany, China, and Russia. This demand for importing printers and ink in South Africa is due to its fast-growing economy. Some printers, ink, and related consumables that South Africa imports from these countries include,

        • Printers:
        1. Inkjet Printer
        2. Continuous Inkjet Printer
        1. Citronix Printers
        1. Domino Printer
        2. Videojet Printer
        • Consumables:
        1. Hitachi Parts
        2. Linx 1512 Solvent
        1. Risograph Ink
        1. Laser Marking Machine
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          What Regulations Are There on Importing Printers and Ink to South Africa?

          • As an importer of printing industry goods to South Africa, you need to register with Customs South Africa (Customs SA), a SARS division, and get an importer's code.
          • You require one negotiable and two non-negotiable copies of Bill of Landing for custom purposes. In case your goods have a lower duty rate than the general rates, you need to fill a Declaration of Origin Form, DA59.
          • You also require an original and four copies of the commercial invoice. Besides, the invoices must contain all the necessary data for your products to be allowed in South Africa.
          • Importers should also have an insurance certificate for sea freight and three copies of the Packing List. 
          • To avoid your printers being held at the seaport, request Camainks Company to state the following: "Sample: Of no commercial value / Value for customs purposes is USD xxx." This is because the South African customs authorities don't accept zero-value invoices.
          • Lastly, have an import license before the shipment dates. 
          • Because ink has hazardous chemicals, it is crucial to follow South Africa's import regulations

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            Why Should South Africa Import Printers and Ink?

            1. Availability - The local industry has limited capacity, and some clients in South Africa require printers and ink promptly.
            2. High Product Cost - Given the domestic competition in South Africa, printers and ink are more expensive to buy domestically than on the world market.
            3. Product Quality - While most international suppliers have a good brand reputation and quality, some smaller domestic manufacturers in South Africa can have variant product quality.
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              Where Can I Buy Printers and Ink for South Africa?        

              If you are looking for individual use printers and inks, there are many domestic manufacturers and distributors available in South Africa. However, if you are looking for large quantities of inks, make-ups, and cleaning solutions, Camainks has been exporting printing industry products such as Videojet ink, Linx printing technologies, and market image 2200 to clients in South Africa. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at +86-131-2037-9271 for a FREE quotation. We also ship worldwide; for other countries, check out our experience here.
